September 30, 2019 Release
Added Master Muffler as a predefined franchise and support for their online appointments
Can now override "LABOR" to whatever you would like the labor part number to be
Expand length of discount names
Added flag to ignore package quantities on incoming warehouse orders
Main Menu
Increased discount description length
Point of Sale
Improved price and availability check in MVConnect
Repair IAP orders in MVConnect - including with alternate locations
Check for existence of MCR part before taking deposit
Now can text appointment reminders
Added a significant speed improvement when creating an order for a large estimate
Allow warehouses to enter vehicles on orders
LABOR part number can be customized
Added button to change item descriptions to upper, lower, or mixed case
Discount descriptions are now 40 characters long
Lookup button on caller id screen wasn't working - now fixed
Part descriptions coming from Nexpart could sometimes be blank
Doing an estimate lookup when creating an appointment didn't bring over the service request info
Add manufacturer name to alternate part selection screen
Added a button on appointments to display all the phone numbers for a customer
Added "To be completed by" to estimate printout if it is filled in on service request tab
Can now setup a script for shop supplies to be printed on invoices/estimates
ProDemand5 - Fixed problem with items not coming through from multiple categories
Added 'Show Out Of Stock Parts' checkbox to catalog
Improved Price & Availability check in MVConnect
IAP orders in MVConnect could return 0 available if ordering from alternate loc
Fixed 'All Groups' checkbox bugs on Parts & Labor page
Hyperlinks now open in default browser rather than little old IE window
Shipping Info field no longer displays alternate location info when parts are available at default location
Speed improvement when creating a warehouse order for a large estimate
Added tire size fields and category prefix to global
Billed hours not always set correctly in daily invoice & job summary tables
Tech Proficiency export used the first date of period on each line
Adding selling price to Buyout Detail report/export
Delete posted orders over a year old when closing a month
All tire size fields now handle metric sizes